L.E.M.O.N. Platform’s upgraded “Weight Loss”: Adoption of 2000MPa Thermo-forming Steel


L.E.M.O.N. Platform’s upgraded “Weight Loss”: Adoption of 2000MPa Thermo-forming Steel

As a common knowledge, light weight is of great significance to the machinery industry, particularly to the automobile industry, and launching of the Great Wall Motors (GWM) L.E.M.O.N. Platform further evidenced this knowledge. In September, 2020, both the third-generation HAVAL H6 and the HAVALDagou, which are developed on the basis of the L.E.M.O.N. Platform, made their debuts. Of which, the third-generation HAVAL H6, reputed as “Champion Car”, continued its strong performance, with sales volume rocketing to 11,516 units.